Recruiter's Guide 2024: How to Hire in IT with LinkedIn?

Recruiter's Guide 2024: How to Hire in IT with LinkedIn?

Find out how to recruit people in the IT sector with LinkedIn. A guide for recruiters when hiring programmers in 2024.


The rapidly developing IT sector requires more and more innovative approaches to attract talented specialists. With the growing importance of social networking with each passing year, LinkedIn's features make it a powerful tool for effective recruiting strategies. This post highlights key tactics and trends that recruiters and HR professionals should incorporate into their LinkedIn developer hiring efforts in 2024.

Using LinkedIn to attract IT talent

Creation of a representative and modern profile of the company

One of the most important aspects of recruiting on LinkedIn is creating an attractive and detailed profile of your company. This profile serves as a platform where you can tell your brand story and highlight the distinctive features of your company's culture and values. When you create a compelling and informative LinkedIn company profile, you have the opportunity to effectively engage with potential IT job candidates and showcase what sets your organization apart from others in the competitive job market.

Using LinkedIn's features to search for developers

LinkedIn offers search features that allow recruiters to filter potential IT candidates based on a range of criteria such as skills, experience and education. By using these features to search for programmers for hire, recruiters and businesses greatly assist each other in the process of finding the most suitable candidates for their specific needs.

Using TalentSight to make hiring developers easier

Find developers easier than ever with our new TalentSight tool ! The platform allows you to reach the IT professionals you need even if they are located beyond a 3rd connection on LinkedIn! 

Are you looking for a programmer with a very specific technology profile, but can't find him for days? Thanks to AI, the platform makes a complete analysis of projects and profiles of developers on LinkedIn, GitHub, StackOverflow, Medium, X and other platforms, summarizes their technical experience in the sector in an accessible form and "translates" it into understandable language. This way, you save time and always know what the main skills and technical expertise of the candidates you are contacting are! TalentSight turns the challenge of recruiting technology talent into an opportunity, allowing recruiters and HR professionals like you to find IT professionals with the skills they need much faster than traditional methods.

An additional feature of TalentSight is the mass emailing and LinkedIn messaging feature, which speeds up the developer hiring process dramatically. This additional feature, in addition to speed, also serves for efficiency and precision in connecting with potential IT professionals.

Integrate TalentSight into your recruitment strategy and trust your new HR assistant! Whether you are an experienced recruiter or a beginner who is about to build your contacts in the IT sector - this platform is designed to help you hire experienced programmers who meet your requirements! Request a demo and sign up to get exclusive access to TalentSight and hire a developer ASAP!

Using LinkedIn Premium in combination with TalentSight

Strengthen your developer recruitment process with TalentSight. Using the platform in combination with LinkedIn allows you to unlock the full potential of the professional network and connect with the right candidates even in cases where you have no mutual acquaintances or contacts! Optimize IT recruitment, discover ideal candidates and build strong professional networks using our tool's capabilities.

If it's been a challenge for you to send direct messages to every developer on LinkedIn, including those outside of your connections, then TalentSight in combination with LinkedIn Premium will help you even further.

Post IT job ads and actively promote your new open positions

Recruiters have the opportunity to increase the available programmer jobs in their company through a properly structured and clear advertisement. The ad must state the exact qualifications, experience and location. By making these things clear, you as an HR professional or recruiter, give yourself the best chance for LinkedIn to optimize and present the ad to the right IT candidates based on their profiles and preferences.

The ways you can optimize your job postings to reach the maximum number of programmers on LinkedIn is through an intriguing job title, here the role title should be short, precise and clear. You should make sure that the title also includes relevant keywords for the IT position that prospective employees can search for on the platform. We advise you to always mention the technologies and technical requirements already in the title to avoid applications from incorrect candidates.

The description of the IT role, on the other hand, should be comprehensive with all the responsibilities, qualifications and benefits of the position . Compile the description so that it is easy to scan and read - use bullet points, subheadings, bold font, bullet points etc.

It is mandatory to include images, videos or other visual elements to enhance the IT job posting and attract more attention of employees. This will reflect positively on engagement with your job posting.

Additionally, you can also use LinkedIn's integrated features like the Easy Apply ad to simplify the entire application process. You can also consider using "Sponsored Jobs" on LinkedIn to get more exposure in the developer community.

Another tip you can follow is adding a “Hiring” frame around your profile picture. This way, any contact you contact will quickly know that you are in the process of hiring.

Building a strong LinkedIn brand through content marketing

An investment in creating quality content on your company's LinkedIn profile can greatly increase your reach and attract more IT candidates who share your values. By emphasizing the culture of the organization in your content, your projects, and the new technologies you use in the field of programming, you can build a strong brand that can easily attract some of the best IT professionals. This will make the entire hiring process dramatically easier for both you and the developers. In addition, through quality content marketing on LinkedIn, you create a sense of cohesion and engagement between recruiter and developer.

Engage with potential IT hire candidates through direct messaging and networking on LinkedIn

One of the great benefits of LinkedIn is the ability to make direct connections with professionals in the IT industry, helping you build one-on-one relationships with potential candidates. By contacting developers and writing them direct messages, you can get valuable information, secure your future cooperation with them and expand your network to improve the possibilities of IT candidates to hire in your company.

Read the top 10 sample messages to find out how you can further customize your messages to developers.

Effective IT recruiting and hiring strategies on LinkedIn

Identifying the required skills and qualifications

Accurately identifying key skills and qualifications is critical to hiring an ideal candidate for an IT position. Recruiters need to be aware of the latest technology trends and how they affect skills needs. By staying on top of things, recruiters can efficiently and quickly meet developers who have the specific skill set required by the job market.

Examining the previous experience of IT candidates

Researching the previous experience of the candidate programmers is extremely important to understand what real-life situations the programmers have faced in the companies they have worked for. This way, recruiters and HR professionals can best understand how IT candidates have dealt with previous problems, their skills and their teamwork. 

Also, when recruiting and hiring experts have a look at the projects that programmers have worked on, they can make the most accurate assessment of their qualifications. In this regard, TalentSight saves you hours of reviewing projects on StackOverflow or code on GitHub by analyzing and summarizing candidate experience in a few clicks. 

Remember that a good recruiter isn't just looking for programming skills in programmers, but rather how those skills have been applied over time and what value they've brought to the companies and projects the IT professionals have worked for before. 

Presentation of corporate culture and values

Candidates are increasingly looking for positions that match not only their skills, but also their personal values ​​and qualities. By showcasing the environment and corporate culture, you attract IT candidates who are motivated and committed to the company's mission. This matching of values ​​between recruiters and developers reinforces a sense of belonging and professional goals that are similar. In this way, the ambition and quality of work of the future IT specialists in your company is strengthened.

Conduct technical assessments and interviews

A key element in the recruitment process in the IT sector is the initial technical assessment, which ensures that candidates possess the necessary competencies for the position being held. A technical assessment not only shows the skills of programmers, but also assesses their ability to apply those skills effectively in real-world situations. Thus, HR specialists and recruiters can be sure that the IT specialists they have hired in their company contribute to the overall success of the team and the projects in which they are involved.

Using employee referrals

Referrals from existing team members can be an extremely powerful tool in finding quality candidates, as employees often know talented professionals in their LinkedIn network. 

When these internal LinkedIn developer referrals are used, recruiters and recruiters not only identify talent more quickly, but also provide themselves with the best possible chance for company prosperity, especially when the referral is from a trusted source. who already works in the organization. In this way, IT candidates who do not meet the professional requirements are also avoided. 

In fact, this is also the easiest way to hire IT professionals on LinkedIn, but unfortunately it is not always an option due to the limit of people who can be referred, which is quickly exhausted.

Future trends and technologies in IT recruitment

The impact of AI and automation in simplifying recruitment processes

Artificial intelligence and automation are gaining ground in recruitment, speeding up processes and increasing the accuracy of hiring decisions for the right IT candidates. This shift to AI-powered recruiting strategies is changing the IT talent landscape and revolutionizing the way organizations identify and hire technology professionals. 

To meet the needs of the IT sector and the crowded IT staffing market, we developed TalentSight in integration with artificial intelligence to help you reach the most highly qualified developers.


The importance of data analysis for recruitment decisions

More than ever, data and data analysis are key to finding the right developers for your organization and tracking the effectiveness of your recruiting strategies. By using the inside information that companies have gained from deep data analysis, they can better understand the skills, preferences and behaviors of potential IT candidates. This in turn would lead to more informed hiring decisions in the IT sector and better management of the overall organizational process of selecting programmers.

Recruiting a global IT talent pool

Sometimes it's better for recruiters to have more than 1 option for an IT candidate so they can better segment programmers down the road based on how they fit into the company. Therefore, opening up to a global pool of IT talent is a trend that is expanding the boundaries of hiring opportunities and allowing companies to attract the best programmers globally.

The acceptance of the possibility of remote work

Accepting telecommuting should not be seen as a bad thing for programmers, as telecommuting allows them freedom and shows that you, as a recruiter, trust them that they are competent individuals based on the interviews they have passed and on base on the tasks that have been completed on site in the office. By embracing this trend, you'll secure a larger pool of IT candidates for your company, as many are looking for workplace flexibility and work-life balance.

Companies that have adopted the possibility of remote work not only receive more job applications, but also ensure a better working environment, satisfaction among IT workers and their long-term retention in the company.

Conclusion: Hire IT professionals on LinkedIn in the most effective way

In this guide, we've covered some key strategies for successfully using LinkedIn in the IT recruiting process. Recruiters and HR professionals who adapt to the changing work environment and embrace innovation and new strategies will be able to find and attract the high-quality developers needed to grow their companies. By using our new tool for finding and hiring IT professionals - TalentSight, you will save yourself a lot of time and effort with developers who will not meet your requirements. With all that said, you can be sure that LinkedIn recruitment in 2024 promises to be exciting and dynamic.