How to connect with people beyond 3rd connection on LinkedIn?

How to connect with people beyond 3rd connection on LinkedIn?

Find out how to connect with people beyond the 3rd connection on LinkedIn and why it's important to do so for your HR career.


In the vast digital world, LinkedIn is the main hub for creating a network of professional contacts. However, even for the most savvy HR professionals, HR agencies or recruiters, connecting beyond “third-level” connections on LinkedIn can be intimidating. This publication is specifically designed for recruiting and recruiting professionals who want to expand their professional network and position themselves as industry leaders by leveraging LinkedIn's full potential.

Understanding the power of 3rd connections on LinkedIn

You've heard the term "3rd-degree connections" in LinkedIn advice columns, and for good reason. 3rd-degree connections are the people who are connected to your 2nd-degree connections. These links are not directly related to you. An example of 3rd-degree connections is: You connect directly with someone on LinkedIn and a friend of the friend of the person you connected with is a 3rd-degree connection. They are an opportunity to reach a wider, strategic network that may include HR influencers, potential IT career candidates and business partners. Understanding how to use and ultimately "transcend" these third-degree connections is paramount.

Making your way through the LinkedIn network to reach 3rd-degree connections

The limitations that LinkedIn imposes on connecting to people beyond 3rd connection are mostly to preserve the integrity of the platform and prevent spammy or unwanted connections.

These LinkedIn limitations can be overcome with a LinkedIn premium account, which is paid for on a monthly basis. With a LinkedIn premium account, you can connect with people (with direct messages in their inbox) beyond the 3rd connection and 1 of the main benefits of this network plan is greater access to users outside of your immediate network of connection type 1st, 2nd or 3rd connections.

In fact, your LinkedIn network of people who are 3rd-degree connections and connections above are often underutilized, is where the magic happens. These people have common connections with you. They are more accessible than you think because you already have a common connection with them. Strategically using your common connection is the first step to making your way through the LinkedIn network and reaching 3rd-degree connections successfully.

Strategies for Connecting Beyond the 3rd Connection on LinkedIn

It's time to move beyond 1st and 2nd-degree connections and start connecting with 3rd-degree professionals on LinkedIn who can really impact your career. Here are some reliable strategies that will help you overcome the limit imposed by LinkedIn.

1. Enable the process of expanding your LinkedIn network with TalentSight

In an effort to solve the process of expanding your professional network on LinkedIn, we present an innovative solution - TalentSight , with which you can connect with people on LinkedIn beyond 3rd connection! This platform offers a unique service that enables HR professionals and agencies to quickly find and hire developers for their teams. By precisely crawling the web, LinkedIn, GitHub, StackOverflow, Medium, X and other similar platforms, TalentSight turns the challenge of recruiting tech talent into an opportunity.

In addition, TalentSight enriches this service with mass emailing and LinkedIn messaging functionality, which greatly streamlines the recruiting process and shortens the time to connect with potential staff for the team. This tool isn't just about speed - it's about efficiency and precision in connecting with potential IT candidates. 

TalentSight ensures that by using it, recruiting and staffing experts will be able to spend more time on what really matters - building meaningful relationships with developers and building a dynamic team environment. By integrating TalentSight into your recruitment strategy, you connect to a platform that understands everything about recruiting technology talent in the IT industry! Request a demo and sign up to get exclusive access to TalentSight - unlock the full potential of your LinkedIn network!

2. Use LinkedIn's advanced search features

LinkedIn's detailed search tools for new connections are your best friend for finding people who are several levels away. Mastering the filters and keywords in the advanced search can lead you to potential connections who meet your professional criteria and have commonalities with you, making the initial contact more personal. An example for you in this case would be that you are an HR professional and you are looking for connections with other HR professionals to exchange ideas and opportunities such as new staff to join your team. As you navigate to LinkedIn's search section and click on "Advanced Search" and enter keywords and interests related to recruiting and recruiting experts and then use the appropriate filters to narrow down results based on location, experience, and etc., you will get the best possible and relevant HR results for you. If you're looking for someone you're already connected to on LinkedIn, then you can use the connection filter for easier discovery.

Read LinkedIn's article for more information on mastering advanced search filters .

3. Ask for a referral or referral

The connections you share with others on LinkedIn are a great opportunity to start new conversations. Treat these human connections as intermediaries - turn to them for an introduction or advice about the person you want to connect with.

4. Join interest groups and communities

Groups spark conversations. By participating in active discussions in groups related to your professional sector, you can meet second or even third connections whose network you would like to join. Regular participation in these communities can lead to building trust and invitations.

Building meaningful relationships beyond 3rd connection

The essence of networking on LinkedIn is about creating real, valuable relationships. Here's how to go beyond the first 2 levels of connections and make professional ones beyond the 3rd level that really matter.

Customize connection requests

When you send the same connection request to everyone, it's easily overlooked. Craft each invitation to contact to mention a common interest or group, stating why you admire the person's work or value their point of view. This customization makes the LinkedIn connection invitation much more attractive. 

An example of a personalized invitation would be:

Hi [Recipient Name],

I would like to connect with you on LinkedIn because I am impressed by your professionalism and accomplishments in the field of [mention specific field or industry, eg HR]. I found out about you through our mutual contact [name of mutual contact, if any].

I would like to share that I am in awe of your work on [mention a specific project, campaign, article or other], especially [detail what impressed you or why you felt it was important].

I would be grateful to have the opportunity to share ideas and experiences with you or to discuss opportunities for cooperation in the future.

With respect,

[Your Name]

Engaging with content and conversations

Engagement is key. Regularly comment on the posts of HR and IT industry leaders, share your experiences and participate in discussions. In this way, you will become more visible to your network and attract the attention of the people you want to connect with.

Offering value through referrals or representation

Be the people connector on LinkedIn. If you have a close working relationship with one of your LinkedIn contacts, consider recommending or introducing them to others in your network. The good deed you do can often be rewarded with new, valuable connections.

Maximum increase of the scope of HR specialists in the IT sphere beyond 3rd connection

The special focus on IT professionals requires customization for each of them. These strategies are meant to make your developer outreach efforts impactful and memorable.

Presenting industry expertise

Your profile should reflect you professionally. Publish articles, share case studies and highlight your HR and IT knowledge. This creates a profile that attracts people from the technology sector interested in starting work on a new team.

Using LinkedIn Messages to Communicate Effectively

Once connected, sending a personalized message is mandatory. It should be short, professional, and aligned with your common interests or professional goals. Build on this initial exchange of messages with intentions for a long-term professional interaction.

SEO tips for a better LinkedIn profile

In the crowded LinkedIn ecosystem, providing a distinctive profile and content is as much about being discoverable online as it is about offering value. Here are some SEO best practices to take your web performance to new heights.

Naturally include SEO keywords in your profile

Include keywords related to the HR industry in your resume, title, and profile content in a natural, non-spammy way. This increases the chances that your profile will be discovered by IT professionals who are looking for people like you.

Create shareable content

Engage your network and beyond by creating and sharing content that's truly shareable. Then encourage your shared connections to refer your content to their profiles, increasing the reach of people and potential opportunities to connect with new developers.

Encourage sharing of links to your profile and sharing on social networks

Links to your LinkedIn profile from trusted sources increase your profile's SEO value. Social sharing is all about being discoverable and recognizable so don't be afraid to remind your audience to connect with you and share your content. This way you will be noticed by as many developers as possible.

Conclusion: Create stronger connections beyond the 3rd connection on LinkedIn

Connecting with people beyond your 3rd connection on LinkedIn isn't just about increasing your number of contacts - it's about expanding your sphere of influence, sharing knowledge and building a supportive professional community. By following the strategies mentioned in this post, you'll be able to create stronger, longer-lasting relationships that can lead to new developer hires on your team and new business opportunities. In addition, by using our new tool to find and hire IT professionals in your team - TalentSight, you will save yourself a lot of time and effort and focus on building professional, meaningful and long-term relationships. By building connections on LinkedIn beyond 3rd connection, you will watch your professional world expand beyond your expectations and the IT professionals you need on your team will come more easily to your inbox than ever before.